weight loss resource

2012年10月30日 星期二

Healthy way to lose weight


Weight loss methods, weight loss, healthy weight loss
Weight loss product after another, subway and magazines have a lot of slimming advertising. However, many of the ladies do not know much about their own bodies work, casually weight loss may have a lot of impact on the body. Weight loss in order to achieve the best, the fastest, most convenient, they are willing to large sums of money to try different ways to lose weight, but it tends to ignore the cheapest and most healthy traditional weight loss methods.

Developed in the network today, to surf the Internet, can indeed find a lot of Diet Menus, such as grapefruit meal, meat diet. Some Diet Menus itself belongs to a low-calorie menus, food meat calories less than the amount of General Ms. daily intake, and claimed consecutive 3-4 days to fully comply with will be able to subtract a few pounds. Maybe some people have the illusion of weight loss, but in fact, such Menus only less body water, fat remains stored in the body.

Long-term chaos Fresh such low calorie Menus, body in a calorie shortage of state, can easily lead to increasingly slower metabolic rate, so that weight loss becomes more and more difficult, and when the body to resume their daily food intake, it is easy to gain weight, is the so-called rebound.

In addition, in the state of a serious lack of carbohydrates stored in the body fat will be broken down to release heat and produces something called ketone bodies metabolites, accumulation can cause bad breath, dizziness, and even shock symptoms.

Thin to make himself chronically malnourished, pale and seemed "residual", more is not worth it. Want to healthy weight loss is actually very simple. Only need to follow a balanced diet, do three low and one high diet (low-sugar, low-fat, low-salt and high in fiber), coupled with regular exercise, fat self naturally leave the body, allow you to restore good posture.
Weight loss methods, weight loss, healthy weight loss


